3rd Innovation Barometer « Agricultural and agri-food businesses : innovation at the CSR table ». 

In view of the global environmental emergency, increasingly stringent regulations and profoundly changing societal aspirations, particularly with regard to food, agricultural and agri-food businesses are investing massively in the field of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). At the same time, they are rapidly developing innovative projects. But what about the relationship between the implementation of a CSR approach and Research & Innovation strategies/processes? 

To explore this question, Valorial, Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation and KPMG have pooled their expertise and resources. The results of this work are presented in this 3rd Innovation Barometer entitled « Agricultural and agri-food businesses : innovation invites itself to the CSR table », based on data from interviews and questionnaires carried out with 155 agricultural and agri-food businesses nationwide. 

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