New I3-CESAM Project

It’s official: the European Commission has accepted the I3-CESAM project proposal.

Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation is partner of The Circular Economy and Sustainable solutions for Agrifood in the Mediterranean – CESAM project. Coordinated by the Euroregion Pyrenees-Mediterranean (EPM), it brings together 9 partners from the European Regions of Occitanie (FR), Catalonia (ES) and Balearic Islands (ES) around shared goals for the agrifood sector: Circular Economy and Sustainability

FSTP will be available, with the overall objective to foster and facilitate SMEs to implement or bring to the market innovative solutions through interregional investments.

The focus will be on the 4 followed topics:

  1. Industrial water treatment and recycling / Concerted used of water
  2. Packaging: Eco-conception / plastic free, new materials or circular solutions
  3. Optimization of processes and circular processes: reduction of waste
  4. Valorization of co-products

16 & 17th of October: Kick-off meeting of the I3-CESAM project in Perpignan, France.

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