Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation, French pole de compétitivité reaching European excellence !

Unique network dedicated to innovation in the agri-food sector in South-Western France Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation is proud to announce that it has been awarded the « European Gold Label of Cluster Management Excellence » and the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA). The Gold Label acknowledges the excellence of the cluster’s management and the team’s day-to-day work with its members, partners and public authorities.

Thirty one performance indicators and hundreds of pieces of data were scrutinized by 2 independent experts during an audit of the entire management team. Internal management, ecosystem activities and leadership, services, financing, R&D projects tracking performance, success stories, French and international influence – all the cluster’s components were analyzed. For each indicator, a critical threshold is defined, and the « Gold » label is awarded if a minimum rate of 80% is reached. Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation was awarded this label with a score of 92 %, testifying to the excellence of the cluster’s management. The label is valid until September 2025.

With this recognition, Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation is now one of the four French ”Pôles de compétitivité” to hold a Gold label. Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation is also one of the seven agri-food clusters in Europe to have been awarded the Gold label, out of 148 Gold-labeled clusters all sectors included from 20 European countries.

The award of this « Gold » label strengthens our credibility and legitimacy at European level, and incentivizes us to continue developing our network and our European influence, for the benefit of our members.

With a dedicated European team of 3 people a range of associated services and an implication in several EU projects covering the whole agri-food value-chain the cluster confirms today its European strategy to become a « European Agri-food Innovation Hub ».

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