Smart Green Water – Call for tenders


The Smart Green Water project is a European project funded by the Interreg SUDOE programme, which focuses on the deployment of digital solutions for irrigation in agriculture in France, Spain and Portugal.
As part of this project, the consortium aims to identify the digital solutions available for farmers in the 3 countries to help them optimize their irrigation. It includes sensors, weather stations, IOT solutions, digital support tools and various digital services. A first mission consists in collecting information about existing solutions on the market (in France, Spain and Portugal) and providing criteria to help farmers make the best choice according to the context. Furthermore, the consortium intends to collect practical feedback from farmers on their use of digital tools in order to identify the really best suited solutions for irrigation purposes.


The objective of the mission is to compile a database (CSV and excel format) that includes a characterization of the main digital irrigation solutions in France, Spain, and Portugal. This characterization will be carried out based on the questions listed in Annex I document below.
The final result of the database must be provided in three languages (Portuguese, French, and Spanish).
The number of digital irrigation solutions characterized must be at least 120. As far as possible, there should be a balance among the three countries, taking into account the level of implementation of such solutions in each country.


To carry out this mission, the service provider will be able to draw on:

  • a list of solutions identified in Spain on the DigiMapa platform,
  • a list of solutions established in France on the Wikiagritech platform,
  • a list of solutions identified in Portugal by the project partners,

The research should not be limited to these three sources. The providers will have to be exhaustive and try to contact all the companies of the whole SUDOE area.

The service provider will have to contact the companies and collect the information required. He will be able to justify his approach with a letter of assignment provided by the Smart Green Water coordinator.
A steering committee will be set up to monitor the process and provide the assistance required to ensure that the assignment is carried out in accordance with the expectations.

As the information gathered will be integrated during a later phase in Digimapa and Wikiagritech platforms, the database will be designed so that the information can be easily integrated into these platforms, using the corresponding format. The two formats required are CSV and Excel for both platforms (prioritizing the CSV format).

Deadline for completion

The complete database must be submitted by 28 March 2025 at the latest.
Procedures and deadline for responding to the offer
The work may be carried out by companies from any of the three countries (France, Portugal, or Spain), and it may also be conducted by one or more companies.
Tenders must be sent by e-mail before 10/01/2025 midnight to the reference person:
European Project Officer
Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation

Selection criteria

Any element deemed relevant by the service provider and mentioned in the application will be evaluated.
The evaluation grid is as follows:

  • Cost
  • Proven experience and references in dabase constitution
  • Knowledge in the agriculture sector, digital solutions and irrigation issues
  • Reactivity and relevance of the proposed service

In the event that no proposal responding to this call for tenders is deemed satisfactory, the consortium reserves the right not to select any service provider.

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