About us

Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation is a French « Pôle de compétitivité », an european innovation cluster.

We foster, promote and support real world innovations. We lead a multi-stake holder community of more than 400 organizations and 5000 people, members from both the scientific and economic fields.

A dedicated Team

Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation boasts a team of experts, proficient both in sector-specific knowledge and  skill areas. Our seasoned professionals excel in project management, communications, meeting facilitation, and business support, among other domains. This dual expertise enables us to address varied challenges.

Europe Team

Director of Europe Team
+33 (0)6 14 29 16 86

Europe Project Manager
+33 (0)7 56 41 52 46

Europe Project Manager
+33 (0)6 27 82 62 35

Europe Project Manager
+33 (0)7 50 59 74 53

Innovation as a response to contemporary challenges

We believe in Innovation as a response to contemporary challenges that transcend the agro-industrial sectors

  • Contributing to the world’s food and bioresources supply
  • Decarbonizing our production systems and adapting them to the changing climate
  • Combining ‘human health through nutrition’, “animal health and welfare”, and ”plant and environmental health”
  • Organizing territorial value chains thereby making our economy more circular

A unique network in Europe

Agri SudOuest Innvation continues to play a leading role as a partner in the European projects, as well as in local, regional and European initiatives. We are engaged to manage european projects from, for exemple, the COSME program (HORIZON 2020) via AURORA, the I3 instrument dedicated to Interregional Innovation Investments via HIGHFIVE, or Interreg Europe. We are also in constant contact with other clusters and public bodies that cover the entire food value chain. 

Serving our members

Ever since its creation, our cluster works towards the economic development of our members and the French and European vitality 



We provide our members a large network by organising get-togethers, local and international B2B meeting sessions, personalized meetings, and matchmakings.



We gather information and competences to offer access to webinars, focus events, innovation clubs, agrifood challenge definition and demonstration facility network as well as cross-sectoral events.



We foster the emergence of innovative ideas while building and funding innovation projects by giving access to funding support, ideation events, and project engineering and management.



We lead our members on the way to the market by supporting visions and strategy development, giving access to investors and coaching.


HEAD OFFICE - Toulouse

8 chemin de la Crouzette
CS52128 – Auzeville-Tolosane
31320 Castanet-Tolosan Cedex

Our other locations

Campus de Bordeaux Sciences Agro – Bâtiment Sauternes
1 cours du Général de Gaulle – CS 40201
33175 Gradignan Cedex

Bâtiment Agropolis International
1000 avenue Agropolis
34394 Montpellier Cedex 5

ESTER Technopole, Bâtiment central
1 avenue d’ESTER