As a concrete response to this challenge, the Circular Economy and Sustainable solutions for Agrifood in the Mediterranean (CESAM) project presented below aims to contribute through SMEs investment to the new European path towards a circular economy model and the 2030 Agenda targets by contributing to scale up innovative agrifood value chains. To this effect, the CESAM project will support interregional innovation investment on scaling-up value chains in sustainable solutions through the existing partnership between Catalonia, Balearic Islands and Occitania.  

  • Project duration: 3 years (2023-2026) 
  • Total budget: €3,022,935 
  • EU Financing rate: 70% 


The overall objective of the CESAM project is to support four complementary innovative value chains to contribute to the scale up of the agrifood sector in the three regions of the Euroregion by investing in new sustainable, circular, and innovative processes. 

Industrial water treatment and recycling / Concerted use of water.

Packaging: Eco-conception / plastic free, new materials or circular solutions.  

Optimization of processes and circular processes: reduction of waste.  

Valorisation of co-products.  

ASOI is full partner of this project and will be more particularly involve in engaging the whole ecosystem in participating to the different activities of CESAM and encouraging the SMEs from the food industry to answer the call for projects. 


  • 9 partners        
  • 3 NUTS-2 regions           
  • 2 Countries 


FSTP is available to support SMEs from the agrifood sector through the deployment of innovation products or services (TRL 6-9). 
Target: SMEs (digital solutions supplier and/or food industry) 
Amount: €60,000 per SME 
Financing rate: 70% (30% self-financing) 
Project duration: 12 months 


Eva Mametz 
Bordeaux, FR 

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