Our Excellence in AgTech Topics
Water and soil quality management
In 2022, the european commision has set up the mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’. The main objective is to ensure that 75% of the soil in every EU member state is « healthy » by 2030. R&I work is carried out by a network of 100 living labs. These solutions can then be implemented via calls for projects under Horizon Europe, with over 320 million euros deployed.
The 8 Mission objectives
Reduce desertification, conserve soil organic carbon stocks, stop soil sealing and increase re-use of urban soils, reduce soil pollution and enhance restoration, prevent erosion, improve soil structure to enhance soil biodiversity, reduce the EU global footprint on soilsand improve soil literacy in society
working on the agroecological transition
Because of the important agricultural surface of our two regions, Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation has a network of soils experts from both the economic and scientific worlds working on the agroecological transition of our famers.
Moreover, we launched the Solnovo initiative for the soil-regenreating agriculture.
Our main initiatives
The programme to support Regenerative Agriculture
Solnovo is a multi-partner research-action program of the Southwest of France designed to support transitions towards soil-regenerating agriculture over a 5-year period, and to demonstrate their benefits at national and European level. Soil Regenerative Agriculture (RA) is a powerful lever for preserving agricultural soils while mitigating and adapting to climate change. The initiative aims to propose a transition program towards a more resilient and remunerative agriculture of tomorrow. ASOI is leader of this initiativeprojet with the support of Occitanie and Nouvelle-Aquitaine regions and the Adour-Garonne water agency.
Our past initiatives
Agro y Aigua:
Launched in 2020, Agro&Aigua is an initiative led by Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation with the Catalan Water Partnership, BiolB and the Agricultural Cooperation, and with the financial support of of the Pyrénées-Méditérranée Euroregion . The Agro&Aigua initiative aimed to develop networking and knowledge-sharing between France and Spain on the questions of water management at agriculture or agrifood industry level. Agro y Aigua ended with 10 topics of innovation.